Powerfully Positioned Woman Academy

Learn how to WIN from WITHIN

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PPWA is a seven week online premier coaching program for ambitious, driven, and go-getting women who want to elevate their inner world with the success of their outer world. During our time together you will:

- Understand the posture of a powerful woman and how to cultivate it within yourself

-Step more into your purpose and calling by releasing doubt and fear and adopting a new set of principles

-Uncover the keys to sacred relationships that have been missing from your dating life up until now

-Discover the connection and tools to constantly be in a state of attracting abundance

- Develop a solid inner foundation and practice for dealing with unexpected and/or negative emotions

-Learn next level manifesting techniques to call forth anything you desire into your life

Hey FIERCE Woman,
You’ve done quite well for yourself at this particular point in your life.
Though you may not always feel FIERCE and confident, you have been doing the work it takes to become happy, have a good job/career, and make decent money.
You may have a broken heart, challenges at work, and ocassionally a feeling of "not good enough" or "not doing enough" for point in your life.
But as women we can always make it through…that is…if we know what to do.
You’ve been desiring MORE!
You know you DESERVE BETTER!
You also want to feel more HAPPINESS!
A year from now if only you could be curled up next to your fine, loyal husband on a hot summer day on a beach in Jamaica, or seeing your family light up as they watch you walk across the stage and finally get your degree, or see the scale number hit your target weight loss goal….
Can you hear the people cheering and celebrating as you say “I do” to a handsome man that’s all yours at the altar?
Can you feel the confidence surge up the back of your spine when you put on a new slim red dress and look in the mirror at how beautiful you now feel that the weight is off?
Can you imagine the extra money in your account each month that allows you to buy whatever your heart’s desire instead of waiting until the next pay day to get your direct deposit?
Nothing beats sweet love but girl if it was paired with your own success….
Imagine not only having a devoted man, but a booming business and/or career that allows you to operate fully in your soul’s gifts?
Imagine being POSITIONED for abundance, success, happiness, and peace as you whoosh past distractions, detours, dead end opportunities, bootleg men, and negativity.
How is this feeling for you?
Perhaps it’s time for you….. You feel the CALLING....
It’s time you learned:
* How to master your mindset and win from within (especially when life throws you lemons)
* How to get centered within yourself so you minimize distractions and master your emotions
* How To heal your heart and positon yourself for a sacred relationship sent by God
* How to realize your purpose, soul gifts, and confidently walk in it
* How to get in tune with your emotions so it doesn’t set you back or make you pack on extra pounds
* How to protect your energy and focus in on what’s most important
* How to raise your inner vibration so you can manifest the life you most desire
* How to awaken to the sacred part of womanhood that allows women to unleash their fierce ability to live a happy life, become a happy wife, and indulge in a slice of life that most will never get to experience
The Powerfully Positioned Woman Academy (PPWA) will teach you how to do that and more!
This Academy is not for everybody because everyone is not at this level nor are they ready to put in the work for this level of blessing and success.
For 6 weeks you will learn how to heal, manifest, and position yourself for consistent success in your life:
October 30-December 17, 2017

Each week consists of video lessons, detailed worksheets and exercises, book chapters/excerpt assignments, and a daily clearing/positioning ritual:
Module 1: Cultivating the Posture of a Powerful Woman ($297 value)
Module 2: Unleashing your God-Given Purpose ($297 value)
Module 3: Attracting Financial Abundance ($297 value)
Module 4: Mastering Sacred Relationships ($297 value)
Module 5: Strengthening Your Emotional and Spiritual Foundation ($297 value)
Module 6: Creating the Life You Desire ($297 value)

Module 7: Standing In Your Power ($297 value)

>Free digital copy of Born FIERCE: How to Unleash the Confident Woman Within + companion workbook ($50 value including its own bonuses)
> The Consistency Code (Special Video Series-once you complete program ($397 value)
> My FIERCE Must Read Mindset Makeover Book List ($97 value)
> Private Facebook Group (include weekly challenges & case studies ($197 value)
> Weekly Q & A Office Hours with Taria (in Facebook Group ($297 value)

> 3 1-on-1 Coaching Calls with Taria (optional ($997 value)

>Access to any ONE program (Born FIERCE Bootcamp, Magnetic with Men Bootcamp, or Build a Boss Brand Bootcamp (optional ($297 value/each)

Your Instructor

Taria Pritchett
Taria Pritchett

Taria Pritchett, millennial empowerment powerhouse, is an intuitive confidence coach for women who want to get their sh*t together by owning their worth, attracting the right men, and stepping into their purpose. Selected as one of Delaware’s Top 40 under 40 and recently featured in Huffington Post, She is the author of the book, Born FIERCE: How to Unleash the Confident Woman Within.

She is the creator of Unleash Your FIERCE Program, Born FIERCE Bootcamp, Magnetic with Men Bootcamp, and now Powerfully Positioned Woman Academy.

Follow Her: Facebook - Instagram - YouTube - Twitter

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: The Posture of a Powerful Woman
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Attracting Financial Abundance
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Strengthening Your Emotional & Spiritual Foundation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Creating the Life You Desire
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Stepping onto Your Throne
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different from your other courses?
All other courses would be considered foundational courses in learning and understanding self-love, confidence, and relationships. This academy is for women who desire to continue this journey of evolution with more personal guidance, wisdom, support, and a stronger knowledge base and new set of tools that are bibilically rooted, spiritually influenced, and proven to create more abundance, love, freedom, peace, and success in a woman's life.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts October 30th and ends on December 17th! This course is a combination of self=pace and active engagement with the instructor during the seven week period.
When do I receive my bonuses?
All of your bonuses are available when you login. If you are a VIP or elite member you will receive a private email with access to a course(s) that Is included in your package.
Can I get personal 1-on-1 coaching?
Yes, only if you enroll in the VIP or Elite level of this course.
How can I reach the instructor?
You can contact Team FIERCE at [email protected]
What's It Like Working with Taria:
“At first I wondered "is this really going to work." But, I actually have such a confidence boost, I let go of some baggage and you challenged me to set up a dating profile. A lot times we need to do something totally different to get out of a ruthless place and get away from our normal circumstances. I would recommend you to women who don't mind investing in their life. You are a great motivator but women who work with you must be willing to do the work. Thank you so much for motivating and teaching that I must speak life to myself so that I can have love and confidence. So, as I move forward I look to greater things happening for me. Again thank you. "
- Kim Haynes, Private Coaching and Unleash Your FIERCE Program

"Before the call with Taria and enrolling in her Unleash Your Fierce program, I was a hot mess. I mean mess mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. After the call, I trust, believe and have the utmost confidence that my life is changing for the better and it’s all because I made the step to get myself back in track with this program"
- Jenni Allen, Unleash Your FIERCE Program and Magnetic with Men Bootcamp

"After ending a decade-long relationship a few years ago, I was heart-broken and devastated. When I heard about vision boards from Taria I was excited; I believe thoughts manifest into reality. Only a month and a half after completing my vision board I found new love, my blog started growing more and I felt more focused overall.
-Monet Fitzgerald

“Before Unleash your Fierce I was talking to men that were not suitable for me. I learned I am worthy of love. I also learned ways to enhance my feminine magnetism. This helped me be free and enjoy dating my husband . As we dated prior to getting married I felt free and worthy of all the love I know I deserved . ”
-Kecia Smith, Unleash Your FIERCE Program and Born FIERCE Bootcamp

"Before investing in all of the Unleash your Fierce Programs, I was a HOT MESS. I have always been a confident woman. But my confidence took a big hit in early 2016. I was dealing with dysfunction in almost every area of my life. I found this program right on time. As a result of investing in myself, my confidence is back, and I have to tools to keep my vibration high. My 2017 is going to be GREAT!!!" - Dr. Juanita Foster, Unleash Your FIERCE program, Born FIERCE Bootcamp, Build a BOSS Brand Bootcamp

"Before Unleash Your Fierce I was very hard on myself, not realizing my self-worth, and having a hard time focusing on accomplishing goals. Through the modules each week the program helped me to focus on a different area I wanted to improve. I particularly enjoyed my coaching session with Taria which helped me to hone in on major things I can tackle. I cannot say enough about the improvement I see in myself and Taria sees in me. I am more expressive with my feelings in my journal, I set specific goals and aim to reach them, I feel more magnetic and open with men while dating. The greatest thing I have developed is a love for myself. I look in the mirror and believe I am worthy, and I am now willing to share the joy I have with others. Thank you, Taria for this program."
-Sasha Robinson, Unleash Your FIERCE Program, Magnetic with Men Bootcamp, and Born FIERCE Bootcamp

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